Our Works

Virat R. Lokmanch Council

Distribution of Study Materials

The NGO has taken an initiative to distribute essential books and study materials to the poor and needy children of our school. Every child should get his basic education as they are the future of our country and after getting knowledge about the world and country they will be able to make the right decision. We arrange free book distribution camps every year in winter with the help of renowned publication houses to provide free study materials to the kids. We have distributed Test paper books to the students of class X and also provided them with other important books.

Food Distribution in Covid-19

Due to the effect of COVID-19 or Coronavirus, people are jobless and bound to be at home, but poor people are starving from hunger. From our trust in Hingoli, we are trying to reach those poor communities as much as possible to serve them some essential commodities like Rice, Dal, Oil, Soap, Potatoes, sanitizers, etc. It is the next possible thing that we can do; to help the poor. We are trying our best and hope that this situation may go away soon.

Health & Family Welfare

The NGO has arranged various workshops about family & health welfare to make people aware to become healthy and free of disease. Family should be everyone’s priority in life. Family supports us in every situation, loves us and stays with us. Family welfare is a term used to understand the basic responsibilities of a couple as parents. Health welfare is providing knowledge about the overall health benefits and health care services provided by the government. We organize free health care services for the people of rural areas where they can get free health check-ups, free medicine, knowledge about family health, birth control, HIV/AIDS, mental and physical health, etc.

Helping Poor & Needy

From the beginning of our journey, we are determined and focused on helping the poor and needy people of the rural areas in every possible way. This help can be made financially or maybe in other ways. We try to distribute food or essential commodities in times of disaster. We arrange blankets, food, and medicine for the poor families and homeless people; distribute them from time to time among them. We also arrange medical camps for them where they can get a free health check-up and medicines.

Health Camp

We have arranged some medical camps to provide health care facilities to the poor people. Mobile medical dispensaries reach out to the remotest parts of the country to spread awareness on health and sanitation. We also have the facility of mobile dispensaries that reach out to the far-away parts of the country. We do health care and awareness programs on leprosy eradication, TB control, Malaria, and Diarrhea camps are organized often. We provide accommodation and free food to the poor. Health awareness camps are set up in the rural areas to provide free health check-ups and medicine to the poor and helpless. We also arrange blood donation camps and eye check up camps every two months where we distribute free medicines.

Blood Donation

We understand the need of blood; thus the organization arranges blood donation camp every year. These camps are arranged with the help of local health care and doctors who observe all the donors and their health status. We collect blood in a very sanitized way and preserve them in prominent zipped bags. Then we sent those packets to the blood banks and nearby hospitals to avail them for local people.